Incorporated today the………………………………………………..2014
We the Members of INTERNATIONAL PARDON FOUNDATION (IPF): Grateful to the Almighty God, who has bestowed upon us his golden protections, guidance, wisdom courage, opportunity and commitment for founding this organization to enhance peace, reconciliation, crisis management, relief and rehabilitation, capacity building and development of South Sudan;
Recognizing the potentiality, desire, creativity and purposeful unity in doing collective responsibilities for our nation, its people and our Government of South Sudan,
Appreciating the campaigns for the war affected people, disabled members and war windows and orphans and the fight poverty in this great country;
Conscious of the need to be organized into societies, association or Associations to enable every body to participate in the development, decision making and nation building to better their future and that of the country
Recalling the lessons leant and breakthrough in the process of forming this organization;
Acknowledging that participation through society and realizing that the developmental needs of the people can be achieved through formation of organizations to work for peace, reconciliation and development of our country and its people;
Aware of the emphasis by the government to lobby for peaceful coexistence, social, peace and to fight mal-nutritional diseases, illiteracy and poverty,
Cognizant of the national history of South Sudan, Believing that unity in mind, spirit and venture is the ultimate goal for development of this great nation’
We, the finding members of INTERNATIONAL PARDON FOUNDATION (IPE) are desirous to establish this organization and shall defend, respect and abide by the provisions of this constitution and other laws that may provided thereafter.
The headquarters of this organization is INTERNATIONAL PARDON FOUNDATION (IPE);
The headquarters of the organization shall be based in Juba, & latter with other office branches will be established in the other Ten states of the Republic of South Sudan.
The mission of this organization shall concentrate on pursuit of peaceful co-existence, conflict resolution, social peace, relief and rehabilitation, socio-economic development, promotion of cultural welfare and sensitization of the people to development program which will strive to empower communities to take charge of other own development, improve access to Educate, Health and Sanitation to ensure women, children and youth empowerment, engage in agricultural and other socio-economic activities and enhance peace and reconciliation.
The logo of this organization is the sign of two hands being shakes which stand for peace in changing the culture of violence in the world to pardon as indicated in its symbol drawn above.
The following are the Code of conduct and ethics of IPF:
- Gender sensitivity,
- Co-operation,
- Peace and promotion of non- violence and democracy,
- Mutual respect and trust,
- Honest,
- Transparency and Accountability,
- Participatory approach,
- Participatory approach.
Board: means the Board of director of the IPF
Member: means members of the IPF under any of its categories mentioned in article 8 of this constitution;
Target Population: means the beneficiaries of this organization in the areas of its operations.
Management team: means the full time assigned and appointed personnel of the organization.
The main Goal of this Organization are as follows:- - To strengthen the capacity of community based institutions to identify and prioritize community needs, to develop plans gears towards participatory
problem solving, especially with regard to the delivery of goods and services to our people at the grass-root levels - To foster the spirit of brotherhood amongst the sons and daughters of this great nation.
- To create awareness on modern trend of developments in education, agriculture,
Health and other areas befitting contemporary life of our communities. - To promote local cultures, social peace, peaceful co-existence and to address social issue such as youth, women, child-care and aged problems.
- To mobilize resources from abroad range of sources, within and outside South Sudan in order to address urgent needs of community.
- Uphold the guiding principles of I INTERNATIONAL PARDON FOUNDATION (IPF).
The Main objective of this organization is to foster, enhance and improve peaceful co-existence, social peace, crisis Management, health care, peace culture, peace building, and relief and rehabilitation of those most affected vulnerable population in the country and other living standards of the target population in all their aspects of life.
9.2. SEPECIFIC OBJECTIVES - To work for unity of all the communities of South Sudan members wherever they are.
- To enhance the capacity of the most vulnerable people who are need of help, project planning and management, monitoring and evaluation
- To enhance community involvement in resources mobilization.
- To increase access to services in order to improve the living standards of the people of South Sudan in general.
- To foster social peace, conflict resolution and economic spheres of the target Communities through the enhancement of friendship in the field food production and establishment of service centers in strategic locations accessible to all members of various communities of the country.
- To enable farmers acquire new agricultural inputs ; such as hybrid/improve seeds and empower them will improve them with agricultural knowledge which will
improve their standards of living, improving livestock productivity through efficient utilization of available resources. - To promote food security preparedness approaches and its mitigation within South Sudan. This will include conducting risk assessments, before investing in development at all levels of society which will enable people to become more resistant to natural hazards. This will involve activities like:
• The development and regular testing of contingency plan;
• The establishment of emergency fund to support preparedness; response and recovery activities;
• The development of coordinated regional approaches for effective disaster response; and continuous between response agencies, planners and policy-makers, and development Organization; - To run programs and projects that will enhance food production and support the disarmed unemployed youth and the returnees so that they could be gainful to themselves and to the society at large.
- To mobilize resources from its membership community, nationally and internationally so as to meet the objectives of this organization on a systematic sustainable manner.
- To net work with other Associations, with the same interests so as to minimize duplication but enhance synergy.
The subscribers to this Constitution and such other persons or Associations as the Board of this organization may from time to admit to membership, shall consist of three categories: - Full members, and shall be South Sudanese and foreign partners (if any) resident in the Republic of South Sudan and shall be above eighteen (18) years of age from the areas where the organization operates;
- Honorary members, and shall be persons above the age of eighteen (18), whom the organization deemed to have contributed substantially to the betterment of the people whom this organization intended to help;
- Corporate members; shall be members representing organized bodies and other peace and development organizations.
ARTICLE 11: SUBSCRIPTION FEE - The subscribers to this Constitution shall be obliged to pay membership fee upon which he/she can be fully accepted. The payment must be complete within six consecutive months.
- Membership pays SSP 50 as registration.
- Monthly membership fee of SSP 15 and for student SSP 5 and any contribution requested by the executive community for achievement of objectives this organization.
- The membership fee for every member in the three categories shall be determined and fixed by the Board.
Every member of the Association shall have the right to: - Run for any elective or appointive office of Association
- Participate in meeting and contribute to the deliberations of those organ or bodies within or bodies within or outside the Association of which he/she is a member;
- Access general information kept in Association’s files by the Executive Secretary;
- Protection and solidarity from other Association members and officials when or if victimized for performing, in good faith, his/her duties and responsibilities as member of the Association;
- Use the facilities of the Association in accordance with the rulers and regulations governing the use of such facilities;
- Every member of this organization shall have the duties to be transparent, accountable and gender sensitive;
- Regularly and promptly pays dues , subscriptions or fees as prescribed by Association’s constitution and by-laws; Actively, attend and participate in meetings, functions and activities of this organization;
- Respect and uphold Organization’s constitution and to completely comply with its by-laws, rules and regulations;
- Perform all assignments with diligence, orderliness and to complete them within the given time.
- Comply with the organization’s leadership code of conduct, of which each member should acquire a copy and must read carefully or have it read and explain to him/her.
- Vote whenever voting is required under this constitution and by-laws;
- Observe confidentiality of the affairs of the organization;
Any member shall cease to be a member of this organization if: - He/she dies or medically declared insane:
- He/she gives one month’s written notice to the board of directors of his/her intention to resign from membership and upon the expiry of such notice he/she shall cease to be member;
- He/she has been found guilty of gross misconduct.
- He/she has not paid monthly subscription.
- Absence from attending three meetings consecutively
- Any member who loses his/her membership is not entitled to any refund of his/her monthly subscriptions or any monies that he/she contributed while he/she was an active member of the Organization.
The structure of Organization shall consist mainly of the followings: - The General Assembly;
- The Board of Directors;
- Management Team;
The General Assembly shall consist of: - Delegates elected by the bona fide members;
- The outgoing members of the Board;
- Founding members of the Association shall be members of its First General Assembly.
15.1 The Function of the General Assembly: - It shall be the Supreme Authority of this organization;
- It shall hold its ordinary meetings once every year. Its Extra-ordinary or emergency meeting^ shall be called by the Board or on a written request to the Chairperson of the
Board by 1/3 of its members. And it shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Board or by the Deputy in case of the absence of the Chairperson; - Quorum shall be taken by simple majority of its members, who are present and have voting rights; and quorum shall be two-third (2/3) of its total membership;
- Shall receive, discuss and approve the reports of the Board;
- The General Assembly shall initiate, discuss and approve Organization’s strategic plan for the next years;
- The general Assembly shall discuss and approve Organization’s budget as presented by the Board;
- Approve recommendation of dismissal of members, 8. The General Assembly shall appoint a standing Management Team made up of competent and skillful people;
i. / - The internal proceedings of the General Assembly shall be regulated by the bylaws;
- The General Assembly shall elect the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 16: BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Until otherwise varied by a special resolution passed at the General Assembly, the Board shall consist of Full, honorary and corporate members;
- All members of the Board shall be elected by the General Assembly, and shall be in the office for four years, and may be re-elected only two times;
- The decisions of the Board shall be by a simple majority vote of the members present. In case of a tie, the Board Chairperson shall cast a second deciding vote.
16.1. The Duties of the Board of Directors shall be: - The formulation of policies, direction and guidance of the Management Team and the whole Organization towards the achievement of the objectives mentioned above.
- From amongst its membership and co-opted persons, the Board of Directors shall,
. establish specialized committees, for the enhancement of performance of the
Organization; - The Board shall meet monthly, however, the Chairperson or deputy or 1/3 of the members of the Board may call an emergency meeting;
- The Board of Directors shall interview, employ, supervise and discipline members of the Management Team;
- It shall spell out the functions and duties of each committee/directors, and shall formulate internal rules for the procedures of the committees and functional departments;
- It may, whenever necessary, increase, decrease, restructure or terminate any of the standing committees or department.
16.2 The functions of the Board of Directors shall be: - Responsible for ensuring that Organization’s mission, vision, objectives and Constitution are implemented and adhered to by all members;
- The Board shall appoint auditors, mobilize resources and observe Organization’s Leadership’s Code of Conduct;
- Any member of the Board may appoint another member to be his/her alternate, to act in his/her place at any meetings of the Board at which he/she is unable to be present. Every appointment and revocation under this paragraph shall be effected by notice in writing under the hand of the appointer served on the Association and such alternate.
17.1. The day to day affairs of the Organization shall be, managed by the following officers appointed by Organization’s Board of Directors: - The Executive Director;
- Administrative Assistant;
- Program Coordinator
- Financial Manager;
- Accountant;
i. The above officers shall be competent people with relevant skills, and also people of high integrity;
ii. The Executive Director shall be the chief officer of the management team with responsibilities for planning and daily management of Organization’s affairs;
iii. The Officers in the management team shall receive guidelines and directives from Organization’s Board of Directors;
iv. The Management Team shall be responsible for budget preparation, resource mobilization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects funded through this organization;
ARTICLE 18: DUTIES OF MANAGEMENT TEAM 18.1 The Executive Director shall exercise the following duties - Be the head of the organization’s management team and shall, generally, represent and act on behalf of the organization;
- Call, chair and direct the management team meetings, and do all such acts as may be necessary for the smooth and efficient running of the organization;
- Be one of the primary signatories to the cheques and Bank Accounts of this organization;
- Acts as an intermediary and the official spokesperson of the organization, and shall sign all official invitations or gatherings;
- Be the official custodian of all records and assets of the organization;
- Appoint and revoke the appointment of any junior staff of organization, in accordance with labor laws in force in the country;
- Call, in consultation with other members of the Management Team, for the formation of Committees for a specific tasks;
- Acting as the Secretary of the Board during general meetings;
- In consultation with his/her team, arrange and prepare the agenda for the meetings of the organization. 18.2 Administrative Assistant
- Assist the executive director as the secretary of the Board and general meetings
- With consultation with executive director and chairperson of the organization, arrange and prepare the agenda and venue for the meetings of the organization.
- Be the official custodian of all records and assets of the organization;
- Acts as the official spokesperson of the organization, and shall sign all official invitations or gatherings;
- Be one of the signatories to the cheques and bank accounts of the’ organization; The Administrative Assistant Shall assist the executive director in the discharge of the. lower administrative duties and junior personnel supervision.
18.3. Program Coordinator - Shall coordinate all development projects run by this organization and Identify problem areas and write project proposals on behalf of the organization;
- To monitor and evaluate all organization’s projects;
- Liaise with other NGOs on strategic development areas;
- Consult with the Executive Director in resolving matters concerning the projects;
- Represent the Executive Director in NGOs in case he is not able to attend.
18.4. Financial Manager
The Financial Manager shall, generally, ensure that proper accounting procedures are adhered to, and shall: - Be responsible of all the finances and liaison with the Accountant keeping a proper accounting of all the financial records of organization;
- Open a bank account on the advice of the Board and the Executive Director, and to ensure that all drawings from the account shall be countersigned either by the Executive Director and /or the program coordinator or both of them;
- Provide reports on the financial statement of the organization and audited accounts to the General Meetings;
- Together with the Executive Director organize fund raising activities for the organization and be a signatory to the cheques and Bank Account of the organization.
18.5. The accountant
The Accountant shall generally ensure that all accounting procedures are properly
Adhered to, and shall: - An Accountant shall be responsible for the financial records and book-keeping for this organization.
- He / she shall be responsible for the handling of remittances and payments of money of the organization after approval of the executive Director and the financial officer.
ARTICLE 19: REMOVAL OF A MEMBER OF MANAGEMENT TEAM - The Board, by resolution, shall remove any member of the Management Team from office,
if such a member is found to have behalf in a way that is inconsistent with the objectives and the constitution of this organization and if such a member is aggrieved at his/her removal, he/she may appeal to a General Meeting to be called for this purpose. In the meantime, he/she shall cease to act as a member of the Management Team or hold any other office under the organization; - The members of the Management Team, for the time being, may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the Management Team;
- However, in any circumstances, the members of the Management Team shall at any time be reduced in number to less than the minimum number prescribed by this constitution, that number shall be quorum for the purpose of filling up the vacancies in the Management Team and of summoning a General Meeting, but not for other purposes;
- The Management Team may co-opt any person or expert to assist them in any capacity which they shall think fit.
ARTICLE 20: DISQUALIFICATION OF A MEMBER OF MANAGEMENT TEAM A member of the Management 7 earn shah he disqmMeA - He/she becomes mentally unsound;
- He/she fails to attend the meetings of the Management Team for six times without special leave from the Management Team;
- By notice in writing to the organization he/she resigns his/her office;
- He/she is removed from office by a resolution duly passed under this constitution;
- He/she is removed from membership of organization pursuant to a resolution of
ARTICLE 21: FORMATION OF COMMITTEES - The Board of Directors shall, form and delegate any of its powers to a committee consisting of such members as it thinks fit;
- Any such committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated to it, conform to any regulations prescribed by the board.
- For time being, the meetings and proceedings of any such committee shall be governed by the provisions of this constitution regulating the meetings and proceedings of the organization so far as applicable and so far as the same shall not be superseded by any rules made by the board.
- All acts bona-fide done by any meeting of the Management Team or of any committee formed by any person acting as a member of the Management Team shall, notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment or continuance in office of such member or person acting as aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed or had duly continued in office and was qualified to be a member of the board.
ARTICLE 22: MEETINGS AND PROCEEDINGS 22.1 The Board of Directors of the International Pardon Foundation (IPF): - May meet for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate third meeting as they think fit; 2. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be NOT less than half of the membership of the board.
- Questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In case of any ties of votes the chairperson shall have a casting or second vote.
ARTICLE 23: MANNER OF CALLING FOR BOARD MEETINGS 23.1. Normal Meetings: - All normal meetings of the Board of Directors of this Organization shall be summoned by the Chairperson in consultation with the executive director and the administrative Assistant, by giving at least 15 days notice accompanied by the proposed agenda for the meeting.
23.2. Requisitioned Meetings: - Member of the board of Directors may, and on the request of at least two-third (2/3) of the members of the board shall, at any time, summon a meeting of the BOARD by at least twenty-one days notice with an indication of the proposed agenda
ARTICLE 24: GENERAL MEETINGS OF IPF - The organization shall have at least three kinds of meetings namely; General Assembly, Annual General and Extra-ordinary meetings;
- The organization shall hold its General Assembly’s meeting at the end of each calendar year, in addition to any other meetings in that year, and shall be specified in the meeting as such in the notice calling for it;
- The Annual General Meeting shall be called ordinary general meeting every year and all other general meetings shall be called Extraordinary General meetings;
- The Management Team, in consultation with the Board, may, whenever it thinks fit, convene an extraordinary general meeting;
- The Management Team, in consultation with the Board, shall also proceed to convene an extraordinary general meeting, on the requisition of not less than one- third of the members of IPF. Provided that the requisition must state the objectives of the meeting, and must be signed by the requisitions and deposited at the office;
- At least, twenty one (21) days’ notice, specifying the place, the day and the hour of the meeting of IPF shall notwithstanding, that it is called by shorter notice than specified in the constitution be deemed to have been dully called if it is so agreed by all the members entitled to attend and vote thereat.
- Provided also that the accidental omission to give notice to or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by any person entitled to receive such notice shall not invalidate the proceeding of that meeting;
ARTICLE 25: PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS - There shall be no business transacted at any General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, unless a two-third quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. Members present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum;
If within half an hour (l/2hr) from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, in the meeting convened upon the requisition of members, the chairperson shall call the meeting off; and in any case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not attained within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall then be dissolved;
ARTICLE 26: VOTING AT GENERAL MEETINGS - Every member shall have one vote, either by secret ballots or show of hands;
- On a secret poll, votes may be given personally or in proxy, provided that the person appointed in a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer or of his/her attorney duly authorized in writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation either under seal, or under the hand of the officer or attorney duly authorized. A Proxy need not be a member of the organization provided that no person shall be entitled to be appointed a proxy of more than two members.
- The instrument appointing a proxy and the attorney or other authority, if or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the office at such other place convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time for holding or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument provided to vote or, in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for taking the poll, and in default the instrument of the proxy shall not be treated as valid after the expiration of twelve months from the date of its execution;
- At any general meeting a resolution put to vote, the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded by at least two members. Unless a poll is so demanded a declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has, on a show of hands, been carried, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the vote recorded in favour of or against such a resolution. A demand for a poll may be withdrawn;
A poll demanded on the election of a chairperson or on the question of adjournment, shall be taken forthwith. A poll demanded on any other questions shall be taken at such a time as the chairperson of the meeting directs and any business other than upon which a poll has been demanded may be proceeded with pending the taking of the poll; - In case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or a poll the Chairperson of the meeting at which the show of hands takes place or at a poll is demanded, shall be entitled to a second casting of vote.
ARTICLE 27: CORPORATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS ACTING BY REPRESENTATION AT MEETINGS - Any corporation or Association which is a member may, by resolution of its directors or other governing body, or by notification in writing under the hand of some officer of such corporation as may be duly authorized in that behalf, authorize such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the ACA, and the persons so authorized shall be
entitled to exercise the same power on behalf of the corporation or association which he/she represents.
ARTICLE 28: UTILIZATION OF FUNDS AND RESOURCE - The funds and assets of international pardon foundation (IPF) shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objectives, as set forth in this constitution;
- No portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly, or indirectly by way of the dividend, gift, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the member of the Association, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper enumeration to any officer or servant or any member of IPF, in return for any services actually rendered to the Association.
- All contracted or appointed members of Management Team, shall be entitled to remuneration by IPF.
ARTICLE 29: DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST IN CONTRACTS - A member of the Management Team who is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or proposed contract with IPF shall disclose the nature of his/her interest at a meeting of the Management Team at which the question of entering into the contract is taken into consideration;
- This member of the Management Team shall not vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he/she is interested.
ARTICLE 30: INDEMNITY OF THE MEMBERS OF MANAGEMENT TEAM - Every member of IPF’S Management Team and other officers or servants shall be indemnified against (or it shall be the duty of the Management Team out of the funds of the organization to pay) all cost, losses and expenses which any such person may incur or become liable to for reason of any contract entered into or act or thing done by him/her in good faith in the capacity aforesaid in any way in the discharge of his/her duties, including travelling expenses.
It shall be the task of the Financial Manager to cause the accounts to be kept and in
particular regards: - The sum of money received and spent by IPF and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures takes place;
- The assets and liabilities of the Organization;
- The books of accounts shall be kept at the office or any better place than the office, and shall always be open to the inspection of the board/ members of the Management Team during business hour;
- Every year at the Annual General Meeting, the Management Team shall lay before the members present a proper income and expenditure account for the Period since the last preceding account made up to p date more than nine (9) months before such meeting;
- A proper balance sheet as at the date on which the income-expenditure account is made
up shall be prepared every year, and shall be laid before the members present at the Annual General Meeting. Every such balance sheet shall be accompanied by proper reports of the Management Team and the auditors; - Copies of income and expenditure account, balance sheet and reports, all of which shall be framed in accordance with any statutory requirements for the time being in force, and of any other documents required by law to be annexed or attached thereto or to accompany the same, shall not be less than twenty one (21) clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, be sent to the auditor and to all other persons entitled to receive notices of such meetings in the prescribed manner.
32.1. International Pardon Foundation (IPF) shall raise its finances from:
i) Membership fees
ii) Donations
iii) Grants
iv) Gifts
ARTICLE 33: AUDITORS - The Board of IPF shall appoint an auditor or auditors before the next Annual General Meeting to audit its accounts;
- Every auditor of IPF shall have a right to see all relevant vouchers, and shall be entitled to access, at all times, the books and accounts he/she requires from the Association;
- The auditors shall make a report to the members of the accounts, examined by them and every balance sheet laid before IPF’S General Meeting during their tenure of office, and the report shall state;
- Whether or not they have obtained all the information and explanations they have required;
- Whether, in their opinion, the balance sheet referred to in the report is properly drawn so as to exhibit a true copy and correct view of the state of IPF’S financial affairs.
ARTICLE 34: INSPECTION OF ACCOUNTS BOOKS AND LIST OF MEMBERS - The books of accounts and all documents relating thereto and list of members of IPF shall be available to inspection at the office of any member of the organization by giving notice in writing to the organization, provided that all the books of account and all documents relating thereto and list of members shall always be availed for inspection by members of the Management Team during business hours.
ARTICLE 35: FINANCIAL YEAR - The financial year of IPF shall begin on the first day of January and ends on the last day of December of the same Year or such other time as the annual general meeting may, from time to time, determine.
ARTICLE 36: TERM OF OFFICE - The term of office for the members of the board shall be (4) four years subject to re-election for a period not exceeding two terms of the calendar of the IPF.
- The term of the office of all the specialized committee shall be four years subject to re-appointment.
- A member of IPF can raise an objection against the nomination of any member giving his/her reasons for that, if the reasons are convincing the electoral commission shall .delete the name of that member from the list of nominees provided the objection of such member is supported by members of the General Assembly who are present in the meeting.
- The Chairperson and the deputy shall first be elected by the GA and the board.
- The Chairperson of the electoral commission shall declare the results of the elections to the GA of IPF and shall close down election meeting.
ARTICLE 37: AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION - Subject to the provisions of the NGO regulations in the Country, IPF shall, by special resolution pass, modify or repeal, or adopt a new constitution or change its name, provided that no such alterations, amendments, modification shall be made, when it shall impair or prejudice the effectiveness of the prohibitions contained in this constitution against distribution of income, property and assets of the IPF to its members.
ARTICLE 38: DISSOLUTION AND DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY - International Pardon Foundation (IPF) shall not be dissolved or wound up except by a resolution passed at the meeting of the General Assembly, where two-thirds of the members present voted for its dissolution. The quorum at the meeting shall be seventy per cent (50+1) of all the membership of IPF;
- If no quorum is obtained, the proposal to dissolve or wind up IPF shall be submitted to a further General Meeting which shall be held one month later. Notice of such meeting shall be given to all members of IPF at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. The quorum for this second meeting shall be the number of members present;
- IPF shall not dissolve itself without prior consent in writing from the NGO’s Coordination Board obtained upon a written application addressed to the Executive Director of the Co-ordination Board and signed by three Members of IPF’S Board;
- In the event of the IPF being dissolved or wound up, every active member of it shall undertake to contribute one hundred ($ 100) US dollars or its equivalent in a local currency, as payment for the Association’s assets, debts, liabilities, the cost of charges and expenses of dissolving or winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributors
Upon its dissolution, and after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, if there remains any property whatsoever, it shall not be paid or distributed amongst IPF’S general meeting, but shall be given or transferred to some other institution(s) with similar objectives to the ones of the IPF. Provided that such institution(s) is/are to be determined by the members of IPF before the time of dissolution, and in default thereof, by a judge of the law court of South Sudan.
Under the Non-Governmental Organizations ACT 2003 - It is hereby certified that the above Constitution & Bye-Laws the Process of IPF was produced by the process of xerography: (ATT: DJD/001/2014
xerography: (ATT: DJD/001/2014 S/N Name Position Signatures 1. 1. Mr. DAVID ICUETH THIYANG Tel: +211 Chairperson 2. 2. Mr. PAR THIYANG LUK Tel:+211 Vice Chairperson ^ 3. Mr. DAVID PUOK RUEI Tel: 0955188218 Secretary 4. Mr. JUSTIN MICHAEL LEMI Tel:+211 Treasurer 5. Mr. WAL CHUOL WIEU Tel: +211 Member 6- Mrs. ADUT DANIEL CHOL Tel: +211 Member 7. Mrs. BAWEIL JOSHEP KUCBUR Tel: +211 Member 8. Mr. ABEL NYUOT LOK R1EK
Tel: +211 Member 9. Mrs. SARAH THIRAN CHUOL Tel: +211 Member 10. Mrs. NYACHOAD NAK TULIETH Tel. +211 Member 11. Mrs. SAWSAN MOHAMED EL HASSAN Member
Minute of the meeting of board of Directors, in 2016
The members of the board of Directors as here attached met on Saturday January 16, 2016 in Crown Hotel-Juba to discuss the Voluntary Repatriation of citizens who have fled to Protection of Civilian Sites (PoCs) under UNMIS S across the country and those neighboring countries refugee camps in line with peace agreement (ARCISS) signed in August 2015 implementation process.
The meeting after lengthy deliberation on the aforesaid issue and its related matters resolved that: - The Chairperson of the Foundation (IPF) is asked to write on behalf of the Foundation to the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs authorities for participating in the repatriation programme in the upcoming Transitional Government of National Unity.
- The Foundation shall established branches in the neighboring countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda) where the refugees are hosted for an appropriate coordination in encouraging the South Sudanese in those hosting camps to return back home.
- IPF shall contract a consultancy Firm to prepare a repatriation programme for the Foundation.
- The Chairperson shall designate whom he may get fit and ready to be a Coordinator for the Foundation in those countries to follow up all the necessary procedures which might be required by the concern authorities in this regard.
- The Chairperson shall update the members of the Board about the development of this programme at any time he considers suitable
The meeting after deliberation concluded-its session successfully and amicably
Sarah Paul,
Secretary of the Board.