International Pardon Foundation
To achieve peaceful, secure and stable environment for societies in situations of crisis..
Who We Are
International Pardon Foundation Is A Voluntary Charitable, Non-Governmental And Non- Profitable Cvivc Organization Which Aims At Advocating And Campaigning For Pardon To Enchance Social Peace, Harmon And Peaceful Co-Existence Among The Nations, Communities, Individuals And Groups Who Are In Conflicts, Disputies, Crises And Wars So As To Create Conducive Atmopshere For Reaching A Platform Of Reconciliation, Confidence Building, Tolerance And Forgivess Of One Another So That We Could Together Change The Culture Of Violence To A Culture Of Pardon Whereever The Mankind Exist..
IPF Is Initiated In The Republic Of South Sudan, Whoses Concerned Authorities Incorporated It, Under Registration Number: 2209 By The Ministry Of Justice And Under Registration Number 579 By Relief & Rehabilitation Commission Under The Ministry Of Humantarian Affairs And Crises Management Respectively In 2014..

Our Approach
The objective of IPF establishment include not limited to the following;
– Advocating against all forms of violence , discrimination , segregation , marginalization and abuse of human dignity ,properties and Resources
-Campaigning for peace building , peaceful and social co- existence , promotion of youth ,women and community leaders capacity building and respect for rule of law and order
-calling for appropriate provision to the conflict peaceful Resolution , intervention on human crisis or Natural Disaster ,good livelihood and self reliance .
-collaborating with others for fighting against poverty , illiteracy ,ignorance ,dependency on others and negative cultural practices
-supporting within limits possible young men and women empowerment ,graduates employment ,faith based and cultural programs towards peaceful living and pardon among the people
Officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.
— Our Mission
Our vision is to become the world star leading advocacy Agent for Peace culture and Pardon for Human Freedom , stability ,prosperity and happiness
— Our Vision
-Ipf mission is to tirelessly persuade , encourage and influence for amicable and Peaceful resolutions to the parties ,groups ,entities ,all Communities to the conflictZ

The idea of establishing a body to advocate and campaign with other stakeholders for changing the culture of violence allover the glob to the culture of forgiveness and tolerance was initiated by Dr. David Kueth Thiyang Luk. He made a comprehensive consultation with his collegues, friends, and relatives on this regard. Many of these people encouraged and supported his idea.
As result Dr. Luk and others abled to inform this organization known as Internation Pardon Foundation (IPF) in Juba, the capital of the Republic of South Sudan, has the basic base for the Organization. Dr.David Kueth Thiyang Luk was born in 1960 at Fangak County – Jonglei State. He holds Ph.D&MA in Peace Studies, Post Diploma in Leadership, he also did B.A in Education & Diploma of Theology in Christian Doctoring. He is a married,
Dr. David Kueth Thiyang Luk also worked with the following Institutions; he served as aprofessional teacher at General and Higher Education before being appointed as National consultant (Expert) with National Deputy Minister’s portfolio during CPA Governmet of National Unity at Sudan Presidency.
He also worked as State advisor(State Minister’s Portfolio) in the Government of Khartoum State on peace and reconcilation and Jonglei State on Humanitarian Affairs respectively.
Dr. David Kueth Thiyang Luk was appointed with commissioner of Greater Fangak (Fangak, Ayod and Pigi current Counties) and seconded to serve in the Church leadership as Director for Youth Department in the Presbyterian Church.
Dr. David Kueth Thiyang Luk was also engaged in IGAD Peace Process in resolving the conflict of South Sudan as his contribution in Ntational Building as Chairperson, South Sudan Peace Committee through his leadership to International Pardon Foundation (IPF).
He was also appoint to work with as member in National Dialoguw Organizing committee on Peace and Reconciliation Conferences under supervision of H.E James Wani Igga, the Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan.
Dr. David also worked as member National Preparatory Committee for Student welfare fund under Hon. Dr. John Gai Yok, National Minister of Education, science and technology, Republic of South Sudan.